The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Male Help Saiary 33 ENGINEERS paper MEN plastics CH.E., E. industry. I. Exc. Co.

Start to 12M. FEE PAID. 8.30-5.00 Daily Saturday AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICE 95 State Street Suite 415 781-2830 8.30-5.00 Daily Saturday. ELECTRICIAN Expanding operations building of new manufacturing plant has crected permanent position for a 1st CLASS INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN. We offer excellent wages, paid vacations holidays, pension plan, group insurance and many other fringe Apply In person BRADLEY CO.

64 Park 1. chine shop background and have the ENGINEERING ASST. In Must have maability to. fabricate prototype and salary to $130 a wk. Many extra experimental chinery.


157 Shaker E. Longmeadow Experience preferred. Please apply Per. sennel Forbes Wallace. Interviews 10 a.

to 3 p. m. only. Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED MACHINIST ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR Overtime benefits Springdale Machine Co. 21 Temple St.

Holyoke EXCELLENT EARNING OP. PORTUNITIES FOR QUALIFIED OPERATORS ON: -Heavy Turret Lathes -Engine Lathes -Auto. Screw Machines -Spot Welders -Pioner-Miller Mostly 2d shift Inquire Employee Relations Dept. GILBERT BARKER MPG. co.

West Springfield, Moss. EXTRUSION TECHNICIAN Technical background in mechanical or chemical engineering. three to six years experience In extrusion of nylon and other plastics: design tools and dies. Excellent opportunity in growing soon moving Into new plant. Send resume to Danielson Manufacturing Company, Danielson, Connecticut.

EXPERIENCED Bridgeport Milling Machine operators. Shleid Machine Works, Coleman Westfield, 568-0335, oft. 6 p. m. 739-7909.

EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS Bridgeport Operators Jig Bore Operators Jig Grinder Operators Lathe Turret Operators Tool Gage Makers BONUS BENEFITS TIPPETT, INC. 379 Cold Springs Ave. West Springfield, Mass. (Moving to Chicopee In Februory) EXPER. COIL WINDERS assemblers Apply in person to Preferred Coils, 168 Elm Agawam.

EXPERIENCED or apprentice barber. Victoria Hotel Barber Shop, 1681 State Spild. EXPERIENCED lumber yard help. Drivers yardmen. Steady year round work.

Many company benefits. Apply to F. Parent, Grossmon Lumber 375 Pasco 1. O. EX SERVICEMEN or HIGH SCHOOL GRADS To work for local concern.

Must be neat appearing, able to start right away, car turnished. For details call Mr. White at 736-8104. $575 MONTHLY SALARY WALLACE We for an expert. 'FURNITURE REPAIR enced cabinet maker furniture finisher In our furniture work room.

Please apply Personnel Forbes Wallace. An Equal Opportunity Employer FORBES WALLACE WAREHOUSE We have openings for stockmen and driver helpers at our Spfid. ware house. Must have drivers license and be able to handle heavy items. Please apoly Personnel Forbes Wallace.

An Equal Opportunity Employer FULL time help wanted. Apply In son only. Free transportation provided from Springfield or Holyoke. Qik Car Wash. 1050 Riverdale West Spild.

FIREMAN Full time position, 3-115 shift. Good saairy benefits. Apply: Personnel Dept. WESSON MENORIAL HOSPITAL High Soringfield FURNITURE salesman at least 5 years experience. Good salary commission.

Fringe benefits. Call JE 4-1442, for or Norman. FEE PAID. TRAINEE OPENINGS PROGRAMMER TRAINEE. High Math apt.

80-90 wk. CREDIT TRAINEE, outgoing sonality 75-100 wk. ACCOUNTING TRAINEE. Night school helcful 80-100 wk. DYNAMIC PERSONNEL SYSTEM 1431 Main 781-0100 FORBES WALLACE MEN'S TAILOR We have an opening in our alteration department for an experienced for our men's clothing department.


MINIMUM AGE 20 Height 5 ft. 7 In. to 6 tt. 4 In. Interviews 8 a.

m. to 2 p. m. Saturday, February 12th TWA HANGAR, 3RD FLR. Logan International Airport Boston, Massachusetts Bring -Logs -Computer -College transcript -Military Separation Papers An Equal Opportunity Employer FORBES WALLACE MUSTANG SHOP We are accepting applications for salesmen in our prep school clothing dept.

Monday, February 7, 1966 Male Male Help Salary 33 FURNITURE salesman, high grade type of furnishings. Full or part time. Bottaro-Skolnick 143 Main St. Mass. FORBES, DRAFTSMAN WALLACE We have full time opening for on architectural draftsman to do store layouts design detail fixtures to do some small structural design detailing.

MUST be able to prepare ished drawings from rough sketches in the above field. Free hand sketching also desirable. Please apply Forbes Wallace, Personnel Dept. An Equal Opportunity Employer FAMILY DRUGSTORES, INC. has openings for Full time part time PHARMACISTS and PHARMACISTS MANAGERS In the HARTFORD METROPOLITAN AREA EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY LIBERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Apply Personnel Depl.

FAMILY DRUG STORES Leggett St. East Hartford, Conn. Tel. (203) 289-1541 FOREMAN GEAR MILLING -BROACH Immediate opening tor capable leader able to assume responsibilities and make decisions to assist general foremon In supervising and directing gear cutting department. Experience on Fellows, Gleason, BER COLEMAN and Lapointe machines essential.

Pold vacation, holidays, pension and many other fringe benefits. Personnel Dept. PERKINS MACHINE GEAR co. CIRCUIT WEST SPFLD. or call 737-4751 for appt.

An equal opportunity employer FACTORY WORKERS Need 40 men with good work background take your pick. Warehousem*n, Laborers, etc. See Shirley Bruso YANKEE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 615 Westfield W. Spfid. 734-5683 GENERAL factory work.

40 hrs. plus overtime. Apply at Fabion State Ludlow. GENERAL warehouse man. Experience necessary.

Apply Springfield Imperial Wall Paper Paint 486 Bridge St. GLUING machine helper with mechanicol ability, able to learn set up and operation of machine. Apply Laurino Folding Box, 360 Cold Spring W. S. GROCERY CLERK.

Full or part time, with driver's lIcense. Apply in person only. Davidson's Market, 337 Wilbraham Rd. GUARDS- full time positions available Springfield area. Must be over 22, have a clear record.

No experience necessary. Uniforms furnished. Call Hartford 527-4170. GEAR MFG. DESIGN 920 Main St, Holyoke Mass.

is seeking Turret Lothe, Engine Lathe and Hand Screw Operators. Applicants with some mechanical ability wishing to learn set up and operation of abeve machinery will be accepted. GENERAL -A Machine Shop selling Its products through Industrial distributors desires a general day foreman who has an Engineering Degree, experienced with cost reduction and experience or ability to supervise 100 or more persons. The position has promofioral possibilitics to a high Management position. Location: Western Massachusetts.

An Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume in confidence to Box 4360, Union Office. GAS station attendant, part time. Auto Clinic. 235 Dickinson St.

GAGE GRINDER, form gages etc. Excellent wages and benefits inclu. paid insurance, vacations, holidays. 55 hour week. MICRON MFG.

CO. 21 Bartlett Westfield 562-2215 GROW with SEARS and ALLSTATE Sears' successful Insurance subsidiary the Allstate Insurance is growing in the Springfield area in conjunction with the opening of the new Sears store on Boston Rd. We have immediate openings for men who have proven record of sales success. WE OFFER: 1. Monthly salary commensurate with sales experience plus incentive for unlimited income potential.

2. A formal weeks multiple-line training program plus comprehensive field training-all at Allstates' pense. 3. The valuable selling exposure of a brand new Sears store or Allstate sales office. 4.

An excellent employee benefit pack. age that includes the famous Sears Profit Sharing Fund. if you ested in growing Mr. Ray and 5 p. quality, and are InterJoining our progressive.

company, please contact Smith between 1 p. m. m. at: ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 10 Center Square East Longmeadow, Mass.

525-3361 or RE 7-1163 HOUsem*n DO YOU WANT: -Steady work? -Liberal salary benefits? IF SO; We have Immediate openings Apply: Personnel Dept. WESSON ON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 140 High Springfield HOUSEMAN Mature man to perform roucleaning duties in nurses' residence. Permanent position, 7 a. p. Mon-Frl.

Liberal benefits Include, Blue leave, holiday vacation. -Blue Shield, paid sick Apply: Personnel Dept. THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St. Help -Salary Male HAMILTON STANDARD 15 HOLDING SPRINGFIELD INTERVIEWS Monday, February 7, at the Division of Employment Security, 1592 Main 'Street, Springfield, We are interested in talking to: HYDRAULIC TEST OPERATORS RIG. You could quality as a good all around garage mechanic.

or with or GSE service experience. WIll operate hydraulic test rigs simulate let engine operating conditions to test fuel controls. SPACE LIFE SYSTEMS LAB TEST PEOPLE WIll construct equipment, assemble prototype units ond' test them. Hardware is related to the Moon Astronauts' back pack. Above experience could also quailfy.

MACHINIST In almost every category Mechanical Assemblers, Model Shop Machinists, Turret Lathe Operators, All Around Machinists, Welders, 1D-OD Grinders, Sheet Metal Mechanics, Dimensional Inspectors, Drik Press Operators. ELECTRON BEAM WELDING Experienced mochine assemblers, capable of working from blueprints. Bockground might be In outo transmission work, other mechanical assembly. EARN LEARN TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES For Journeyman Machinists. You only need a high school or trade school diploma and a year of Algebar or related math.

Exciting new assignments in the fastmoving aerospace field are creating permanent lobs with many tine benefits right down the expressway. TO INTERVIEW, visit the Division of Security, 1592 Main Street. 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P.

M. Monday, Februory 7. Or come down to our Employment Office off Bradley Field Road, Windsor Locks, Connecticut, dally or Saturady mornings. HAMILTON STANDARD Division of UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION An Equal Opportunity Employer HELPER to Install and mokt window shades. Steady employment.

Must have drivers license. No experience necessary. Apply In person 9 to Pioneer Shade Screen 441 Armory St. HEAT TREAT LEAD MAN 3d shift lead man capoble of operating atmosphere furnaces and generators. Excellent growth opportunity with full benefits.

Contact D. Mattes or R. Fabian, New England Metallurgical Co. 675 Christian Lane, Berlin, Conn. (203) 225-7691.

IMMEDIATE openings for Tractor Troter and straight lob drivers. Must have freight rets. be dependable. Box 4377, Union Office. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For TRAINEES, first, second third shift ON THE JOB training program.

person to the: PERSONNEL OFFICE to m. REXWARE CO. West Ave. Ludlow, Mass. (formerly Massachusetts Plastics.) IMMEDIATE OPENING Established route, established customers, average Income, $140 plus $40 expenses.

Men must be intelligent enjoy meeting people. Capable men with ambition can move up to Management within two years and make a minimum income of $10,000 to $20,000 per year. For interivew appointment, call ST 2-0207 INV. CONTROL: GROUND FLOOR OPPTY. WITH AREA DISTRIBUTOR.


in acc'tng. or bus. Wit be trained In Production Control. Sol to $116. PERSONNEL PLACEMENT 44 VERNON IMMEDIATE OPENINGS MAINTENANCE MECHANICS Good all around general maintenance mechanics.

Openings for 2nd 3rd shift. APPLY REXCELL West Ludlow, Mass. (FORMERLY MASS. PLASTICS) INSURANCE EXAMINER TRAINEE exercising judgment in the underwriting Opportunity for young man capable dol department of a leading multiple line insurance company. Two years of college and service completion preferred.

No experience required. On job training is part of our development program. Call 781-2400 for Interview appointment between 9 a. m. and p.

m. We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer JANITORIAL services in return for apt. plus wages. Must live in. Oil fired opt.

block. 739-9641. JOB PRESS MAN Experience on Chandler Price or other type. Steady work, paid holidays, benefits pald by company and good working conditions. Saturday or evening interviews arranged.

Call 568-8671. BOXMAKERS, INC. Westfield, Mass. (near Mass. Turnpike Ent.) LICENSED ELECTRICIAN and experienced helper.

A 8 Electrical Corp. RE 2-2072. LIC. Plumbers, exper. he pers-not less.

than 2 yrs, exper. Call Joe Masdea 567-0574. LATHE OPERATORS Experienced. Capable or working from blueprints. Overtime, group Insurance, malor med.

vacation. Apply Block I Machine Tool Cons 2 Carew St. Sold. Help Salary LEAD PORTER Ability to train work with other porters in performing cleaning duties. Full time position, 5 day week, 7:30 a.

4 p. m. Some weekends. Liberal benefits 20 per cent weekend bonus, poid sick leave, holidays and vacation. Apply: Personnel Dept.

THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St. LATHE ENGINE LATHE TURRET LATHE LATHE Openings on 1st and 2nd shift. Large lathe with tracing attachment, turret lathe. Opportunity in small shop with benefit of big company, pensions, holidays, Insurance, vacations. STACY MACHINE CO.

INC 270 Main Agawom LOOK you are Interested In future opportunities and not lust employment based on temporary large contracts, we Invite you to Investigate openings for -TOOL DIE DESIGNERS -TOOL DESIGN CHECKERS -LAYOUT DRAFTSMEN Our engineering staff creates and designs a wide variety of tools, ligs, fixtures, gauges and progressive dies to form and machine a diversified line. We are a national supplier of machined hand toois. automotive parts. aircraft parts and other items. An Inquiry not a commitment-50 why not cal, write or visit the Employment MOORE DROP FORGING co.

354 BIRNIE AVE. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. An equal opportunity employer LAND SURVEYOR thoroughly perienced deed study, comps. plot and draft. Property and construction survey, subdivisions.

PermonentWestern. Mass. Full details and salary 1st reply. To: Robert B. Deloye 27 East Housatonic St.

Pittsfield, Mass. Tel. 413-44-88268 MAIL STOCK CLERK. Apply between 5 p. m.

Yahn Engineering, 293 South Main Palmer. MACHINE OPERATORS for 2nd shift work. Clean, light work. Apply of Trons-State Rubber Co. Main Chicopee Falls, Mass.

MASONS experienced. Steady work, good pay. Call after 6 p. m. RE 4-5352.

MODEL MAKERS To work In engineering model shop. 5 years experience. Able to work on sheet metal and tools. Long established Springfield firm. Good wages, excellent working conditions.

Write to Box C-34 Union Office An Equal Opportunity Employer Male Female Applicants Considered MANAGER, high volume service station. Excellent salary, insurance benefits. No work nights, Sun. or holidays. Must be capable of assuming full responsibility.

Reply Box C347, Union Office. MAIL ROOM WORKER $60 MATH CLERK do records to $88.80 WAREHOUSE WORKER $70 OFFICE HELPER $75 FORK LIFT OPERATOR $70 ASSEMBLER will troin $2.65 hr. TRUCK DRIVER $90 GROUNDSKEEPER $1.70 large building excellent future $85 roise month MACHINE MECHANIC need a good mechanically inclined mon $2.45 MUFFLER MAN $2.00 hr. plus com's plenty of overtime av. $7800 BAY STATE PLACEMENT 115 STATE MAN needed for outside work instolling cave troughs rooting.


An equal opportunity employer Plans for progress company Position available for conscientious Individual to perform general functions of sorting mail, maintaining and Issuing office supplies and operating duplicating machine. High school graduate and must sess drivers license. For further information or to arrange interview contact J. P. Pincince, sistont Personnel Manager, 688-1911 MATERIAL CONTROL OPENINGS We need capable and alert people for key positions in production material and Inventory control.

For responsibilities dispatching and scheduling, and for stock handling purposes. 11 you ore out of high school and dissatisfied with what you are now doing, here is on outstanding opportunity to start lasting industrial career. Some perience helpful but not necessary. Contact Employment Manager at once GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP. F.

W. Sickles Division 165. Front St. Chicopee Center, Moss 733-6621 LY 4-4781 An Equal Opportunity Employer MONOTYPE caster man. Excellent opportunity.

All fringe benefits. Ap ply John C. Otto 82 Park St MACHINISTS AHEAD -Lathe -Milling Machine -Horiz. Boring Machine -Turret Lathe -Planer -Radial Drill Experience necessary. Real opportunity for steady employment with growing company.

50 hour week. All benefits plus advontage of working for small pony. STACY MACHINE INC. 270 Main Agawam, Mass. Male Help -Salary MAJOR APPLIANCE SALESMAN Responsible man, experience helpful but not necessary.

Permanent position with fast growing chain. Commission with drow. Retirement, vacation, holtday pay, Insurance, Blue Cross. Mr. Duprey, W.

T. Grant Co. 1608 Memorial Fairview, Mass. MANAGER TREE: FUTURE WITH EXPANDING BLUE CHIP CO. $4200.

CALL MR. WHITNEY, 781-0235. SNELLING SNELLING, 135 STATE MAN, work on Poultry Farm, steady lob. Greenfield Poultry Farm, 831 So. Westfield Feeding Hills.

MELTER Experienced w-aluminum bronze melting. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. Apply In person, Springfield Cast Products 124 Switzer Ave. RE 3-5141. MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES GENERAL FACTORY WORKERS wages working conditions.

Apply In person 8.30-4.30 p. m. INDIAN ORCHARD FINISHING Co. 34 Front Indian Orchard MECHANIC--To work on heavy duty trucks. Must have tools.

Insurance benefits. Apply Mack Trucks Sales of Springfleid, 2594 Main St. MAN CAPABLE of the following three: Type compositor, Distributor Lockup man. Apply In person, City Stomp Works, 168 Baldwin West Mass. MECHANIC for truck fleet.

Steady work, good wages, working cond. and benefits. Call Frank Dawns, 739-4785. MECHANIC qualified on diesel engine re polr. Fleet maintenance.

Apply 144 Shaker East Longmeadow. MECHANICS (2) RE 6-2684 MACHINE OPERATOR Position avallable. Apply Curtis Universal Joint 4 Birnie Ave. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Graduate ME's with to 10 years industriol experience lookIng for unusual opportunity in dynamic plastics Speciaity Machinery Development Accomplishment Professional Growth Participation With leading plastics engineerng and development corporation. Apply: DEBEL RICHARDSON INC.

Water St. Hazardvlile, Conn. 749-8371 An Equal Opportunity Employer Must have hand tools, day shift. Call 734-7946. MECHANIC.

All around, familior with hydraulics, air, small engines, construction equipment. 736-4566. MACHINISTS FULL TIME OR PART TIME Any hours between 7.30 a. p. m.

Job shop experience preferred, now working 55 hour week. DYNAMIC CONTROLS CORP. 8 NUTMEG RD. SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN. (NEAR MOORES) This 1 on equal opportunity employer MINOR TRUCK repairs and truck tires.

MACHINIST ALL AROUND small long established manufacturer with own product lines located in Hartford is looking for man with strong me chanical ability and interest to set up supervise all production machining fions. Opportunity to become part of management. Salary commensurate with obility. Pension all benefits paid by compony. Apply stating experience particulars.

All replies confidential. Write to Box 4348, Union Office. MEN (2) for telephone assebly work, will teach. Hallmark House, 1876 Main St. MOLDED PLASTICS ENGINEER College background with practical perience in the Injection molding of nylon, acetal and other engineering plastics: background in part design, processIng, and estimating is desirable.

Fine future available in growing organization soon to move into new plant. Send sume to Donielson Manufacturing Compony, Danielson, Connecticut. NEWSPAPERMEN reporters, copy editors and proofreaders. If you ever worked on a high school or college paper, you may qualify. Also will consider trainees well versed in English language Write 328 Union Office, stating your qualifications, general background and salary requirements.

Here's chance to prove you can write. NEW ENGLAND'S fastest growing apparel chain seeking Boy's Department Manager. Splendid for the right man, Full range of company tenefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Call Miss Golemo at 737-1465 for interview.

NEED 2 mechanically inclined men for sales service. Car an advantage. Apply at 605 State St. NIGHT AUDITOR, 6 nights per week, 12 to 8. Salary range $80.

Write Box 4374, Union Office, for personal interview. NEED 2 men. Passenger tire service man and truck tire service man. Good. working conditions and 000d wages.

Bob Wiener Tire 1179 Columbus Ave. Springfield. 736-2662. Open every Tuesday 'HI 9 p. m.


Investlgate our wage scale, fringe benefits and working conditions. TEL. RE 6-8311, EXT. For application or applyPersonnel Dept. a.

p. m. Also Tuesday eve. 'tH 9 P. m.

AMERICAN BOSCH 3664 Main St. Springfield, Man. An Equal Opportunity Employer ORDERLY Pun time Liberal salary benefits. Pald vacations, sick leave, etc. Apply: Personnel Dept.

WESSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 146 High St. Springfield or gd. bookk'ng backard. OFFICE MGR'S ASSISTANT Coll. acc'ing PERSONNEL PLACEMENT 44 VERNON PART TIME MEN, for year round route delivery work.

Choice of hours. Very profitable. Giovanni's Food Shops Mobile DIv. 737-3583 mana lale Help Salary 33 ORDERLY Excellent training program for high school graduate. Day or eve ning shift.

Permanent position, 40 hour week. Work alternate weekends. Liberal benefits Including shift weekend bonus. Apply: Personnel Dept. THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St.

PARTS manager for challenging new import car parts dept. Unlimited future. Excellent salary benefits. Apply Mr. Askinoss at PARKWAY IMPORTS, 567 Main Springfield.

PRESSMEN press helpers, excel. opportunity, all fringe benefits. Apply Jann C. Otto 82 Park Spfid. PLASTER MOLD MAKERS No experience necessary, we will train you.

Group insurance, paid holidays vacations. Apply in personSPRINGFIELD CAST PRODUCTS INC. 124 4 Switzer Springfield PIONEER SUPPLY has opening for rellable family man who wants full time, good paying job. Salary and commission plus all benefits. Our men earn a high income.

Local accounts, like In business for yourself. With no investment. Apply In person only any day aft10 a. m. See Mr.

Riner, 125 Liberty Springfield. PART TIME man. Tetrault's Auto Exchange, 651 Center Chicopee. PART TIME auto Inspectors, $1.25 per Inspection. Must be able to cover 25 mile radius of Springfield.

Car camera cessary. Call Boston 351-0379. Between 9 0. m. p.

m. Tuesday. PAINTERS. Apply 25 Winding Lane, between 5 7 p. m.

or call ST 3-3210. PART TIME 3 eve. Sat. $60 per week. Apply High Point Motor Inn, Rt.

33, Chic. Folls, 7.30 p. Monday only. Mr. Rana, no phone calls.

PART TIME lathe hand to work on plastic mold parts. Must be able to read blue prints do own set ups. Good lob for retired machinist or tool Mold Co. 566-3719. PROGRAMMER Experienced.

DIrectly under Programming Supervisor. Opportunity to advance. IBM 360 line computer. Will send to IBM courses. Interviews later.

Confidences respected. Send complete resume to Box C291, Union Office. PHARMACIST, unusual opportunity with growing chain in Hartford area. Chance for advancement, excel. salory, 48 hrs.

weekly. Paid Blue Cross C.M.S., vacation with pay. Maxwell Drug, Hartford Conn. 203-236-2319 Mr. Seltzer.

PART TIME or fun time man wanted. Must be personable and willing to work Apply in person, 2 p. m. to 7 p. m.

at Friendly Ice Cream Shop, 628 Liberty Street. PERMANENT POSITIONS FLOORMEN 1ST 2ND SHIFTS INJ. MOLD MACHINE OPERATOR 2nd shift MACHINIST 1ST SHIFT MACHINE OPERATORS 1st, 2nd 3d shifts MACHINE SET UP MEN 1st 2nd shifts MECHANICS 1ST SHIFT MILLWRIGHT 1ST SHIFT PAPER CUTTERS 1st 2nd shifts SCORING MACHINE OPERATORS 1st End shifts SET-UP MEN 1st 2nd shifts STOCK HANDLERS 1st 2nd shifts TRUCK DRIVER 1st 2nd shifts WAREHOUSE ASSEMBLERS 1st 2nd The above positions offer good starting pay, with opportunity for growth, with rapidly growing company. Investigate Immediately by applying In person to: MILTON BRADLEY CO. 64 Pork St.

Springfield PART TIME stock boy Westover personnel accepted; no exp. nec. Inquire at City Market, Grove Chicopee Falls. PORTER-DISHWASHER Full time permanent opening In hospital kitchen. 40 hour week.

some weekend work. Liberal benefits Include, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, paid vacation, sick leave holidays. Apply: Personnel Dept. THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St. PERSONNEL TRAINEES--We are seeking ambitious people for Interesting and rewarding positions interviewing job applicants and employees.

5 day week. attractive office. 2 yrs. of college or equivalent. Excellent income.

AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICE 95 State Street Suite 415 781-2830 Sat. by appointment PROGRAMMER Position available for Programmer with minimum four years experience. Applicant selected will develop operational commercial programs and related operating Instructions for the IBM 1401 Tape Computer and IBM 360 Tape and Disc Computer. Maintenance of existing programs and Instructions required, as well as technical recommendations for new systems. Most satisfactory working conditions Including Nberal employee benefits.

Kindly apply or send complete resume to: JOHN H. BRECK, INC. 115 Dwight Street Springfield, Massachusetts AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PACKAGE MACHINERY CO. Immediate openings for: MECHANICAL ENGINEERS MACHINE DESIGNERS LAYOUT DRAFTSMEN Excellent long range growth opportuni tles for qualified applicants experienced in high speed automatic machinery. Interviews dally.

Monday Friday a. p. or send resume in strict confidence to; PACKAGE MACHINERY CO. 330 Chestnut St. East Longmeadow, Mass.


Male Help Salary 33 PRODUCTION CONTROL EXPEDITER ish, maintain schedules trona keep Able to follow parts start to finate records. PERKINS MACHINE GEAR CO. West Spfld. 737-4751 An Equal Opportunity Employer PART TIME. Car and enjoyment of music, neat appearance necessary.

Demonstrate stereophonic equipment on appointment basis. Call Mr. Vincent, 543-1930 mornings. PAPER MAKERS A paper mill manufacturing registered bond paper has openings for Back Tenders, Machine Tenders, Tour Boss. Also opening for experienced rewinder.

Apply in person or write to NEW ENGLAND PAPER MILLS INC. Anthony St. Jewett City, Conn. PRESSMAN- -experienced on single and two color good wages and fringe benefits. Call 536-3310 between 8 and 5 p.

m. PART time cleaning man. Apply In person. Viamori's, 2060 Riverdale West Spfid. PLATER wanted.

Should be familiar with nickel, copper, silver, cadmium, etc. Some knowledge of solutions capable of being a lead man. Apply La Pointe Industries, Rockville, Conn. PLAN for your future while you ore stil young by calling our Mr. Keiser and let him explain what John Hanco*ck Life Insurance Company can offer you to help build that future In the field of selling.

As your family grows your expenses grow. With John Hanco*ck earnings are unlimited to the right man. Call Mr. Keiser at RE 2-6283 or better still come into the office at 310 State St. Federal Land Bank Bldg.

cor. Spring St. PACKAGE MACHINERY COMPANY Immediate openings for: PRODUCTION SCHEDULING SUPERVISOR 5-10 years experience. Familior with Guntt Charts, Machine loading, dispatching and expediting techniques, progress reporting etc. degree preferred.

Salary: to 11 M. PRODUCTION SCHEDULER 3-5 years experience. with Gantt Charts, Machine preferred. loading, Salary: progress reporting. Degree to 7 M.

MANUFACTURING ENGINEER (trainee) Challenging assignment expanding Manufacturing Engineering function. To work closely with trained engineers In areas of Capital Equipment replacement, plant layout and varied industrial engineering projects. WiM consider evening engineering student preferably with Industrial background. ASSEMBLY METHODS STANDARDS TECHNICIAN An Interesting assignment the development of assembly methods Including sketches and incentive standards. We will consider training a mechanically inchined individual with Industrial background.

Interviews dally 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. or send resume In strict confidence.

PACKAGE MACHINERY COMPANY 330 Chestnut St. East Longmeadow. Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer RECEIVING CLERK With capability of Inspecting materials and accessories. Salary depending on experience and ability.

Beginner considered for trainIng program. holidays and vocation. HOURS. 7.30 A. P.

M. LA TRIQUE BRASSIERES STATE LUDLOW ROUTE man, married, to service our customers In Western Mass. Blue Cross. blue shield, uniforms avail. Write Box 4384 C-O Springfield Union, RETIRED plumber tor retall plumbing sales.

Part time. State qualifications. Box 4375, Union Office. REG. PHARMACIST, full time.

Call Ludlow Drug 583-31129. RETAIL MILK ROUTE man wonted. Good pay. Apply Daylight Dairy, 26 Kirkland Ludlow, or call JU 3-3967 REFRIGERATION Mechanic or apprentice. Position for experienced man or opportunity for Write to Box C340, Union Office.

ROUTE WORK Driver salesman, established routes. Good opportunity for ambitious sales minded man. Stewart Commissary, 2550 Main St. RADIATOR repair man wanted. Art's Auto Body, 109 Carew St.

REPRESENTATIVE With life; accident and health licenses fora lorge Insurance company. Salary, fringe benefits company car. Write Box 4347, Union Office. RATE CLERK, experienced in New England Middle Atlantic tarriff, fine opportunity for betterment. Apply to Transportation 390 Burnett Chicopee Falls.

RETIRED or semi-retired business or and Salesman outside. Blue Cross and Blue to handle accounts Inside Shield avoilable. Hours can be arranged. Must have car. Tire Mart 200 Taylor Springfield.

STEADY WORK TRAINEES (3) will be hired on salary basis to train for a $5000 to $10,000 year posttion. No experience needed. Insurance benefits and pension plan In addition to salary. Neat appearing, ambitious men preferred. Interviews at 8 Arch after 10 a.

SALES CHEMICAL-Exc. opportunity for people with sales aptitude. Top Company. To $75 FEE PAID. AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICE 95 State Street Suite 415 781-2830 8.30- 5.00 Daily 9.00-12.00 Saturday.

SALES TRAINEE Recent degree or 2 years consumer sales exp. Should have high motivations and abilities. will sell to Dept. and variety stores. FEE A PAID to DYNAMIC PERSONNEL SYSTEM 781-0100 1431 Main SCHEDULER: ISSUE FOLLOW CUSTOM- UP ON PRODUCTION FOR ERS.


4600. CALL MR. STONE 781-0235. SNELLING SNELLING, 135 STATE SALES REP. $150 to start potential Is $15,000 PERSONNEL must have PLACEMENT good exp.

A VERNON SERVICE Thursday and Friday nights. Atlantic STATION attendants Tuesday Station, 707 Dickinson St. STOCK BOYS. We have several full time openings. Apply Zayres, Boston Rd.

SKILLED machinist train for plant supervisor in growing machine shop. Wonderful opportunity to move up for ambitous man. Box 4353. Union Office. Male Help--Salary 33 STOCKROOM CLERK High school graduate.

Stockroom experience preferred. 8:00 a. m. p. Liberal benefits.

Apply: Personnel Dept. THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Chestnut St. STENCIL, CLERKS National company will train to cut stencils for addressograph, speedomat and similar machines and to operate each. Will file and handle stencils and pre pare office data and lists from same. Hours 9 to 5, 35 week.

Must hove own transortation. $69 per week For further information, call 592-4414." An Equal Opportunity Employer UP SPALDING IS HIRING METAL POLISHERS AND GENERAL MACHINE OPERATORS LIBERAL BENEFITS 1ST, 2ND 3D SHIFTS APPLY: PERSONNEL DEPT. A. G. SPALDING BROS.

INC. MEADOW ST. CHICOPEE, MASS SERVICE STATION attendant, part time full time. Good pay. plus commiss sions, paid vacation sick leave.

Apt ply In person, Brookside Manor 1390 Allen St. 1 SALES TRAINER Alert aggressive man with flair for public contact wanted for permanent position. Excellent. training program. Guarantee salary plus commissions, bonuses and expense allowances.

Starting income $7500 plus opportunity for advancement. Determination to work and learn a prerequisite. FOR APPOINTMENT CALLI 734-5895 Monday, Feb. 9 a. p.

m. MR. CANEY SALES MANAGER STEREO demonstrated In the home, very unique presentation where 11 Is fun for all. Excellent sound systems and music. We offer men salary and-or high weekly commissions, fringe benefits, basic lead system.

Phone 543-1930 mornings Mr. Vincent. STEEL RULE die maker wanted. Prefer Class or man. Looking for good future with a growing concern.

Good working conditions. Send resumeor opply in person. Scott and Inc. Freestone Portland, Conn. SERVICE Station attendant.

Expert enced desired but not essential. ferences required. Inquire Shell tion, 158 Island Pond Rd. SHOP SUPERINTENDENT For growing Western Mass. Screw Mo chine Product Job Shop.

Must be able to actively supervise the Set-Up and eration of Acme Gridleys and Secondar ies. Excellent storting wages commensur ate with ability and experience. Send resu me of qualifications to Box 4341, Union Office, Spfid. SHORT ORDER COOK. full or part time Apply Lido Restaurant.

SHEET METAL FABRICATOR Ambitious with some welding expert ence. Must have own tools. Day ye shift, Apply Accessory Controls Equipment 805 Bloomfield Windsors Conn. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS. Port time and full time.

3d shift work. Good starting pay. Springfield ared. Apply: 14 Harkness Ave. East Longmeadow, Mass.

SALESMAN Maintenance Industrial Fleets Trucks Heavy Equipment Curtis Industrial Supply Division AAA-1 company has a 30 year record dependable operations. Advancement op portunity for on aggressive soles repre sentative looking for a better future. Ag a we market a full line of threaded fastenmanufacturer and national distributor. ers, electrical connectors, maintenance parts and other commodities used in industry for maintenance, repair and re building of Earn figure Income on panding business, salary and liberal commissions, Fully protected territory In Western Mass. Including Worcesa ter.

Minimum travel. Field training program. Opportunity for rapid advance ment. Promotion from within. This position requires person with ambition and the capacity for creative selling.

For Interview: Phone MR. W. SELL 734-3148 Mon. 10 a. p.

All day Tuesday TIME STUDY MAN Needed In the foundry to establish standard data and set rates under predetermined time study system, Pre terably with 1 year experience. Apply In person Employment Office bet. 0 A. P. CHAPMAN DIV.

CRANE CO. 203 Hampshire St. Indian Orchard, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer TOOL MAKERS and MACHINISTS Work In a clean, modern, small shop Apply at Vedovelli 15 Baldwin St East Longmeadow. 525-2238.

TAXI DRIVERS Day or Night shift, see Eort. ABC Taxi 1970 Main St. Spfld. TRAINEE To 35 yeors old for steel fabrication shop. Apply In son.

0. R. COTE co. 556 St. James Ave.

Springfield, Mass. TAB OPERATORS With a minimum of six months experience. Must be familiar with the following IBM tab equipment: Sorter Reproducer 402 Tabulator 604 Calculator Collator Immediate positions open on 12 to 0. m. shift with opportunity for personal growth and recognition.

Good salaries and fringe benefits. Write to Employment Manager, Box 4390 Union Office, stating experience and salary history. An Equal Opportunity Employer 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.